
    Privacy - Matomo without Cookies

    On this website, we use Matomo to collect and analyze data on how users interact with our site. Unlike other analytics services, Matomo is configured to respect user privacy and does not use cookies to track visitors by default.


    Matomo collects information such as IP address, browser type, language, screen resolution, operating system, and pages visited. This information is used to analyze website traffic and improve the user experience.


    To respect the privacy of our visitors, we have configured Matomo to anonymize IP addresses before storing any information. Additionally, we offer our users the option to opt out of Matomo tracking on this website.


    If you prefer not to be tracked by Matomo on this website, you can disable tracking using the following link:




    By clicking the above link, an opt-out cookie will be stored in your browser to indicate that you do not wish to be tracked by Matomo on this website. This cookie will remain in your browser until you delete it or until it expires.


    For more information on how we use Matomo and how we protect your privacy, please refer to our privacy policy.
